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Kronenbourg 1664 Draught Master 20ltr

Kronenbourg 1664 is a Premium Lager at 5.0%. It is brewed with the aromatic Strisselspalt hop from Alsace, which gives it a unique aroma and satisfying taste. All of which makes it the superior tasting premium lager.
Kronenbourg 1664 is a full bodied, golden, bittersweet lager with a distinct citrus hop flavour. A Taste Supreme.
For ultimate refreshment always drink chilled. Perfect drink for when you want to savour a special beer to enhance quality time with friends or family Given its taste profile, it is great alongside food or enjoyed on its own.
Kronenbourg 1664's pleasure is in its light lemon and herbal flavours from the Alsace hops, and clean bittersweet finish.

ABV: 5%

Product Group :Keg - Beer

Country of Origin :France