Theakston Traditional Dark Mild Ale 3.5% 11G

A dark, delicious beer with a dry palate and a full, rounded, Fuggle hop flavour. It is brewed using three malts; pale malt for body, crystal malt for rich flavour and black malt for texture and taste and is the only truly national, permanently available Mild brand.

Mild as a beer style is one of the oldest in British brewing. As its name suggests, Mild is mild in terms of alcohol and hop bitterness, the superb flavours of Theakston Dark Mild are driven by the use of top-quality crystal and roasted barleys.

Theakston Dark Mild is almost certainly one of the original beers brewed by Robert Theakston when he first started brewing in Masham in 1827. As a beer style Mild was very popular in Britain before the last war but since then has been over-shadowed by the growth in popularity of lighter ales and lagers but is showing signs of a resurgent interest.

The malty flavour of Mild makes the ale an ideal accompaniment to sandwiches and ploughman lunches.

Product Group :Keg - Beer

Country of Origin :England