Tito's Handmade Vodka 70cl

It's not every day that you come along a vodka with real American character. It is even more exciting when said vodka comes from Texas. A state in which the residents prefer a nice beer or whiskey over anything else - even water. Tito Beveridge however decided to think outside the box and developed his very own “Handmade Vodka”. Taking a look at his family name, which sounds suspiciously similar to “beverage”, it comes across as a real no-brainer that Tito would go on to create his very own drink. And this is what he did – with real success!

Tito’s Handmade Vodka is distilled from yellow corn, which already establishes a nice American feel within the drink that finishes on a pleasantly sweet note. Vodka is normally distilled from one or different types of grain. On the official website, you will be able to find several fascinating cocktails according to the seasons which all include the delicious Tito’s Vodka!

Product Group :Vodka